Friday, April 13, 2007

Week 9 Online Social Networks

I signed on to Facebook and joined the Learning 2.0 mac group (I was the 30th member at the time). I wasn't comfortable putting my picture in my profile, I think it will take me some time to get used to being on "the web", I still feel exposed.

I searched for someone I knew and then asked them to be my friend (it seemed kind of sad having an empty "Friend List"). I can see Facebooks popularity - searching for old classmates, childhood friends, etc. I can see how you might decide to spend a few minutes checking things out and the next thing you know hours have gone by (especially as you get more "connected"). It's been fun checking it out but I don't think it's really me.

I didn't want to sign up to My Space so I just clicked my way around for a bit. I checked out a few blogs (Food & Restaurants had some amazing photos of restaurants in Seattle). Checked out some profiles, some were very fancy! I don't know if I'd have the time or inclination to add my favourite books, music, movies etc to a profile.

Facebook and My Space are both widely used though I have a feeling that Facebook might win out in the end.

Since I'm not a "professsional" I did'nt sign up for Linkedin. It looks like it would be quite helpful for keeping in touch with colleagues, classmates etc. and keeping abreast of new information, jobs, etc.

Well, that's it for now I think I'll sign in to Facebook for a bit.

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